This is the LAST week to introduce you to one of the individuals in our Holiday Adaptive Bike Giveaway.
Just in time to make your end of the year donation to Project Mobility. This also means we are that much closer to saying goodbye 2020 (yay lol) and hello 2021
$11,635 raised of $28,500 goal
Up this week is Camden!

"Camden was diagnosed with serve autism and apraxia at the age of 2 1/2.
Camden is now 7, and is such a blessing to everyone he comes in contact with. He loves the outdoors, and has had the pleasure of riding an adaptive bike at school. Camden desires more than anything to join in with his sister, and friends riding bikes. This adaptive bike would help Camden be able to exercise more and build relationships with his peers. It would give him a sense of independence, which is something that he so desperately desires.”
*If you want your donation to go towards a specific individual's bike please put their name in the notes*