"Isaac was born at 27 weeks 4 days, and has proven himself to be the definition of "small but mighty." Isaac has taken on being born prematurely along with intrauterine growth restriction, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), dysphagia, and trach/vent dependence all while showcasing that he would determine the course of his own journey. Isaac was such a joy to work with in the NICU, and it is an honor to see how far he’s come. He continues to defy the odds, and is now crawling and learning to walk, practicing with his speaking valve, and next on his list to achieve is the goal of being trach-free with his decannulation this upcoming summer. Isaac is such a gift to his medical team, but most importantly, he is so loved by us his parents. We're so proud of our little man and he is truly a miracle!"