Meet Evi!
I happily nominate Evi for a bike!
Evi is a sweet, kind-hearted, funny 11 year old girl with a smile that lights up the room. Evi never gives up and is always positive.
Evi was born premature at 25 weeks, weighing 1.5 lbs. Although the first 5 months were spent in the hospital battling heart surgeries, intestinal surgeries, feeding tubes, ventilators, collapsed lungs, retinopathy - Evi persevered.
As she began to grow her body never quite worked well for her, and she was diagnosed with quadriplegic cerebral palsy and dystonia - unable to walk or even hold anything in her hands.
Evi herself does not let her diagnosis define her. Anyone who has been lucky enough to spend time with her is charmed by her sense of humor and smarts. Not long ago during a Zoom PE class, Evi was watching the other kids exercise and looked over to her mom with this gem of a comment, "Well, you had better give me a cookie. I have to exercise my jaw." Who could argue that?
Evi has wanted a bike since we can remember. She was lucky a few years back to try out an adaptive bike at school which she successfully pedaled and that added fuel to her fire.
While Evi has donated her hair for charity, her 13 year older sister recently completed a bike for charity event. Evi kept asking if she could participate with a bike ride too, but she does not have one. She would love nothing more than to ride with her big sister, cousins and friends. A bike would offer confidence and independence.
Having a bike would mean the world to her. It will open up her social circle - including in her Zoom PE class, because I know she will talk her mom into letting her ride in the house.
Thank you for your consideration in making one of Evi's lifelong dreams come true.
Her grandmother,